
The following excerpt is taken from Appendix C of Childhood Leukemia: A Guide for Families, Friends, and Caregivers, 2nd Edition by Nancy Keene, copyright 1999 by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. For book orders/information, call (800) 998-9938. Permission is granted to print and distribute this excerpt for noncommercial use as long as the above source is included. The information in this article is meant to educate and should not be used as an alternative for professional medical care.

Service organizations

Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation
7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 460
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: (800) 366-CCCF
Fax: (301) 718-2686

Founded in 1970, Candlelighters has more than 40,000 members worldwide. Some of the free services provided by Candlelighters are a yearly bibliography and resource guide, quarterly newsletter, youth newsletter, and various handbooks to help families of children with cancer.

Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation Canada
National Office
55 Eglinton Avenue E, Suite 401
Toronto, ON Canada M4P 1G8
Phone: (416) 489-6440 or (800) 363-1062 (Canada only)
Fax: (416) 489-9812

Provides the same services as US Candlelighters.

American Cancer Society
1599 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30329-4251
Phone: (800) ACS-2345

Has a national network of employees and volunteers who implement research, education, and patient service programs. Although programs differ according to state and province, some widely available programs are patient-to-patient visitation, transportation to appointments, housing near treatment centers, equipment and supplies, support groups, literature on a large variety of topics, summer camps for children with cancer, research and educational programs.

Canadian Cancer Society
565 W. 10th Avenue
Vancouver, BC Canada V5Z 4J4
Phone: (604) 872-4400

Provides same services as the US Cancer Society.

Childhood Cancer Ombudsman Program
P.O. Box 595
Burgess, VA 22432
Fax: (804) 580-2502

This free service helps children with cancer and their families who are experiencing difficulties in gaining access to appropriate education, medical care, healthcare cost coverage, and meaningful employment. Services include medical library searches, a second opinion program, and help resolving problems with insurance or discrimination.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
1311 Mamaroneck Ave.
White Plains, NY 10605
Phone: (212) 573-8484 or (800) 955-4LSA
Fax: (212) 856-9686

This organization provides financial assistance to families (up to $750/year for outpatients), funds research, sponsors a national program in education for the public and the medical community, and publishes a large number of booklets on cancer-related topics.

Organizations that provide information

The Academy for Guided Imagery
P.O. Box 2070
Mill Valley, CA 94942
Phone: (800) 726-2070

This organization can assist in locating a professional in your area to help your child learn visualization.

The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
33 West Grand Avenue, Suite 402
Chicago, IL 60610
Phone: (847) 297-3317

A membership organization for doctors, psychologists, and dentists who use hypnosis in their practices. For referral to a local member, send request with S.A.S.E.

The Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
2212 Sixth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
Phone: (800) 466-4232

Answers questions about the Americans with Disabilities Act, explains how to file a complaint, and provides dispute resolution.

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
West Virginia University
918 Chestnut Ridge Road, Suite 1
P.O. Box 6080
Morgantown, WV 26516
Phone: (800) 526-7234 or (800) ADA-WORK

An international consulting service that provides free information about how employers can accommodate people with disabilities. The service also provides information on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In Canada, JANCANA is a service of Human Resources Development Canada and the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work.

National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Cancer Information Service
Building 31, Room 10A16
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20892
Phone: (800) 4-CANCER
Fax: (301) 231-6941
CANCERFAX: (301) 402-5874

Provides a nationwide telephone service for people with cancer, their families and friends, and the professionals who treat them. The NCI answers questions and send out informational booklets on a variety of cancer-related topics. CANCERFAX provides treatment guidelines, with current data on prognosis, staging, and histologic classifications. To use CANCERFAX you need a fax machine with a telephone set to touch-tone dialing. A recording will give you instructions.

National Childhood Cancer Foundation
440 E. Huntington Drive
P.O. Box 60012
Arcadia, CA 91066-6012
Phone: (626) 447-1674
Fax: (626) 447-6359

Supports pediatric cancer treatment and research in more than 115 hospitals in North America and Australia. Their newsletter, Childhood Cancerline, provides information on new treatments and psychosocial support.

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship
1010 Wayne Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910
(301) 650-8868
Fax: (301) 565-9670

An organization that addresses the needs of long-term cancer survivors and advocates for change in healthcare to maximize survivor's access to optimal treatment and support. Extensive publications list.

National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities (NICHY)
P.O. Box 1492
Washington, DC 20013
Phone: (800) 695-0285

A clearinghouse that provides free pamphlets and information on disabilities and the rights of disabled children and their parents.

PDQ (Physician Data Query)
Phone: (800) 4-CANCER

PDQ is the National Cancer Institute's computerized listing of accurate and up-to-date information for patients and health professionals about cancer treatments, research studies and clinical trials.

Starbright Foundation
1990 S. Bundy Drive, Suite 100
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: (310) 442-1560
Fax: (310) 442-1568

Co-chaired by Steven Spielberg and Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, Starbright Foundation is best known for its online network of interactive, virtual-reality playgrounds where seriously ill, hospitalized children across the country meet, talk, and play to help cope with the pain, stress, and anxiety of treatment. For teens who are ill, "Videos with Attitude" offer guidance from peers who have "been there." The videos are free to families and come with a parent guide.

Organizations that provide emotional support

Association for the Care of Children's Health (ACCH)
7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 300
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: (609) 224-1742

A nonprofit, multidisciplinary organization of health professionals and parents that promotes psychosocial health of children and their parents. It sponsors conferences, provides advocacy resources, and publishes journals, newsletters, and booklets.

Brave Kids
1592 Union Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
Phone: (415) 561-2393
Fax: (815) 461-6614

This program and web resource center for children with chronic or life threatening illnesses provides a directory of healthcare specialists, medical information, chat rooms, games and contests, and an online store for children with special health needs. Brave Kids also provides computers to seriously ill children from low-income families.

Cancer Care, Inc.
1180 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 302-2400 or (800) 813-4673
Fax: (212) 719-0263

A national, nonprofit organization that provides referrals, one-on-one counseling, specialized support groups, and educational programs.

Cancer Cured Kids
P.O. Box 189
Old Westbury, NY 11568
Phone: (516) 484-8160 or (800) CCK-7525
Fax: (516) 484-8160 (call first)

An organization dedicated to the quality of life of kids who have survived cancer. They supply information about educational and psychosocial needs.

Center for Attitudinal Healing
33 Buchanan Drive
Sausalito, CA 94965
Phone: (415) 331-6161

A nonprofit, nonsectarian group that sponsors local and national workshops for children with catastrophic or life-threatening diseases and their siblings. The center uses music and art in a supportive program to help children ages six to sixteen share their feelings about their situation. They have also published several excellent books.

Chai Lifeline/Camp Simcha
National Office
48 West 25th Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10010
Phone: (212) 255-1160 or (800) 343-2527
Fax: (212) 255-1495

A national, nonprofit Jewish organization that provides support service programs to children and their families in crisis, including medical referrals, support groups, visits to hospitalized and housebound children, financial aid, transportation, a kosher camp for kids with cancer, and more.

231 North Avenue West
Westfield, NJ 07090
Phone: (908) 233-1103 or (800) 55-CHEMO (outside New Jersey)
Fax: (908) 233-0228

Provides one-to-one emotional support to cancer patients and their families undergoing chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery, from trained and certified volunteers who have undergone the treatments themselves.

Child Life Council
11820 Parklawn Drive, Suite 202
Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: (301) 881-7090
Fax: (301) 881-7092

Promotes the well-being of children and families in healthcare settings by supporting the development and practice of the child life profession with training conferences, publications, and information.

Children's Hopes & Dreams Foundation
280 Route 46
Dover, NJ 07801
Phone: (973) 361-7366
Fax: (908) 459-9399

This organization operates a free, worldwide pen-pal program for children ages five to seventeen with disabilities, chronic illnesses, or life-threatening illnesses.

Coping Magazine
P.O. Box 682268
Franklin, TN 37068
Phone: (615) 790-2400
Fax: (615) 794-0179

A bimonthly publication for people whose lives have been touched by cancer.

Famous Phone Friends
9109 Sawyer Street
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Phone: (310) 204-5683

Links children who are confined to the hospital or home due to injury or illness by telephone with entertainers and athletes. Referral by physician, nurse, hospital volunteer, or treatment center social worker.

Friends Network
P.O. Box 4545
Santa Barbara, CA 93140
Attention: Kenon Neal

A national, nonprofit organization that distributes The Funletter, a full-color activities newsletter, to children with cancer.

Love Letters, Inc.
P.O. Box 416875
Chicago, IL 60641
Phone: (630) 620-1970

This free service, started by a mother whose son died of cancer, is run by a group of volunteers who send letters, cards, and gifts to catastrophically ill children. This is not a pen-pal organization. Confidentiality is guaranteed.

National Children's Cancer Society
Phone: (800) 532-6459

Helps children affected by childhood cancer and their families by providing financial assistance, advocacy, education, and emotional support.

Parents Caring and Sharing
c/o Chumie Bodek
109 Rutledge Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Phone: (718) 596-1542 or 596-9002 (call during business hours, Eastern time)

Provides outreach, a support network, and newsletter for Jewish Orthodox families with children with cancer. Holds monthly meetings and links families of children with similar diseases.

Songs of Love Foundation
P.O. Box 750809 Dept P
Forest Hills, NY 11375
Phone: (800) 960-SONG

A nonprofit organization with a volunteer group of more than 200 artists who produce personalized musical portraits for children with chronic or life-threatening diseases.

Bone marrow and stem cell transplantation

Additional resources for bone marrow or stem cell transplant families are listed at

The Barbara DeBoer Foundation
2069 S. Busse Road
Mount Prospect, IL 60056
Phone: (847) 981-0130 or (800) 895-8478

Helps identify and utilize resources in your community to raise funds for transplants.

Blood & Marrow Transplant Information Network
(formerly BMT Newsletter)
2900 Skokie Valley Road, Suite B
Highland Park, IL 60035
(847) 433-3313 or toll-free (888) 597-7674
Fax: (847) 433-4599

Publishes Blood & Marrow Transplant Newsletter, for bone marrow, peripheral stem cell, and cord blood transplant patients, and books on bone marrow and stem cell transplantation. Also available are the Transplant Center Database of more than 250 transplant programs in the US and Canada, a resource directory, an attorney referral service for those having difficulty persuading their insurer to pay for treatment, the Patient-to-Survivor Link Service, and a comprehensive web site.

Children's Organ Transplant Association
2501 Cota Drive
Bloomington, IN 47403
Phone: (800) 366-2682

Provides fundraising help.

National Bone Marrow Transplant Link
29209 Northwestern Highway #624
Southfield, MI 48034
Phone: (810) 932-8483 or (800) LINK-BMT

Provides a hot line, peer support, a library, a clearinghouse, and suggestions for financial assistance.

National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP)
3433 Broadway Street, NE, Suite 500
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Phone: (800) MARROW-2 (donor information) or (800) 526-7809 (patient search)
Fax: (612) 627-8195

The NMDP has the world's largest computerized listing of potential bone marrow donors-3,500,000 in 1999. The NMDP has cooperative search arrangements with many other registries worldwide. They also provide information on transplant centers in the US, as well as corporate recruitment programs.

Transplant Recipients International Organization, Inc.
1000 16th Street NW, Suite 602
Washington, DC 20036-5705
Phone: (202) 293-0980 or (800) TRIO-386
Fax: (202) 293-0973

Transplantation and organ donation information and resources for transplant candidates, recipients, donors, and their families.

Financial and insurance help

See Blood & Marrow Transplant Information Network under Bone marrow and stem cell transplantation.

Cancer Fund of America
2901 Breezewood Lane
Knoxville, TN 37921
Phone: (800) 578-5284
Fax: (615) 938-2968

Helps defray cancer-related expenses not covered by insurance.

The National Transplant Assistance Fund
6 Bryn Mawr Avenue
P.O. Box 258
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Phone: (610) 527-5056 or (800) 642-8399

Provides fundraising assistance and donor awareness material to transplant patients nationwide.

Patient Advocacy Coalition
850 E. Harvard Avenue, Suite 465
Denver, CO 80210
Phone: (303) 744-7667
Fax: (303) 744-7876

Helps resolve insurance reimbursement problems.

Patient Advocate Foundation
780 Pilot House Drive, Suite #100-C
Newport News, VA 23606
Phone: (757) 873-6668 or (800) 532-5274
Fax: (757) 873-8999

Publications, help with insurance problems, referrals to attorneys.

The Sparrow Foundation
1155 N. 130th, Suite 310
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: (206) 745-5403

Provides help with fundraising for any medical needs.

Free air services

Air Care Alliance
Phone: (800) 296-1217

ACA is a nationwide association of humanitarian flying organizations.

Corporate Angel Network, Inc. (CAN)
Westchester County Airport, Building 1
White Plains, NY 10604
Phone: (914) 328-1313
Fax: (800) 328-4226

A nationwide, nonprofit program designed to give patients with cancer the use of available seats on corporate aircraft to get to and from recognized cancer treatment centers. Patients must be able to walk and travel without life-support systems or medical attention. A child may be accompanied by up to two adults. This service will also fly donors. There is no cost or financial need requirements.

DreamLine, Inc.
Contact: Bob Iverson
1701 N. Clybourn
Chicago, IL 60614
Phone: (312) 202-9000
Fax: (312) 202-0188

Provides free airline travel for children with serious illnesses needing emergency medical treatment or to travel for vacation.

Hope Air
Proctor & Gamble Building
4711 Young Street
North York, ON Canada M2N 6K8
Phone: (416) 222-6335
Fax: (416) 222-6930

An organization that provides free air transport to Canadians in financial need who must travel from their own communities to recognized facilities for medical care.

National Patient Air Transport Hot Line
24-hour hot line: (800) 296-1217

Specialists refer callers to the most appropriate, cost-effective charitable or commercial services, including volunteer pilot organizations and special airline transport programs.

Wish fulfillment organizations

For many children with cancer, having a dream fulfilled by a wish organization creates a special, joyous memory. Dreams range from trips, to taking friends out for high tea, to getting a computer. Often parents think that wishes are available only for children in the last stages of their life, but this is not the case. Many organizations grant wishes to children in remission from cancer and other diseases or chronic conditions. Some questions you might ask when determining which organization to apply to are:

Listing these organizations does not constitute endorsement. The best way to choose is through careful questioning of the organization and through recommendations from other families who have experience with the organization.

B.A.S.E. Camp Children's Cancer Foundation
c/o Terri Jones
4651 North Pine Hills Road
Orlando, FL 32808
Phone: (408) 297-9648 (call for information and request form well in advance of arrival date)
Fax: (407) 298-3928

Does not grant wishes, but does help obtain free or reduced price tickets to Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, and other central Florida attractions, for children with a hematology/oncology disease and their immediate family. The child with cancer must be on treatment when tickets are used. B.A.S.E. needs to receive a written request and doctor's statement (containing child's name, disease, and whether he/she is medically able to visit any central Florida attraction) between two and three weeks prior to your arrival date in Florida.

The Brass Ring Society, Inc.
National Headquarters
551 East Semoran Boulevard, Suite E-5
Fern Park, FL 32730
Phone: (800) 666-9474

The society has chapters in all 50 states and grants wishes to children who suffer from life-threatening or terminal illnesses.

The Children's Dream Factory of Maine
Doris Simard or Skip Welch
400 US Rte. 1
Falmouth, ME 04105
Phone: (207) 781-3406 or (800) 639-1492

Grants wishes for chronically or seriously ill children from Maine.

Children's Happiness Foundation
PO Box 266
Marshfield, MA 02050
Phone: (617) 837-9609 or (800) 424-3543
Fax: (617) 837-5229

Serves New England children ages 3 to 18 with life-threatening or chronic degenerative diseases.

Children's Wish Foundation International
8615 Roswell Road
Atlanta, GA 30350
Phone: (770) 393-WISH or (800) 323-WISH
Fax: (770) 393-0683

US or Europe. Fulfills wishes of terminally ill children.

The Children's Wish Foundation
Joel Jones, Director
c/o New Hope Center
100 E. Sybelia, Suite 300
Maitland, FL 32751
Phone: (407) 629-8920
Fax: (407) 629-7206

Orlando-based organization that grants wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses who have not yet reached their 18th birthday. Focuses primarily on children who reside in Florida, but has also granted wishes to children from other parts of the US, Canada, England, and Russia.

The Children's Wish Foundation of Canada
95 Bayly Street, Suite 404
Ajax, Ontario
Canada L1S 7K8
Phone: (905) 426-5656
Fax: (905) 426-4111

The national office for the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada. The foundation has chapters located across Canada, so parents can contact the national office for the chapter closest to them. The goal of the foundation is to provide a once in a lifetime experience for children suffering from high risk life-threatening diseases. Children are eligible from 3 years of age and over but under the age of 18 years before the time the request is received.

Dreams Come True, Inc.
Emory Clinic-Peds. Heme/Onc
1365 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30322
Phone: (778) 248-3496

Serves any child with cancer or chronic blood disease treated at Emory University Heme/Onc Clinic. Dreams submitted by children.

The Dream Factory, Inc.
PO Box 3942
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: (800) 456-7556
Fax: (502) 584-0023

Chapters in 30 states. Grants wishes of children ages 3 to 13 who are seriously or chronically ill.

PO Box 3989
Fort Smith, AR 72913
Phone: (501) 785-4130

Serves eastern Oklahoma and western Arkansas. Fulfills dreams of children 17 or younger with life-threatening illness.

Grant-A-Wish Foundation
c/o Brian Morrison, Executive Director
PO Box 21211
Baltimore, MD 21228
Phone: (410) 242-1549 or (800) 933-5470
Fax: (410) 242-8818

Provides a variety of special services and programs (such as beach and mountain retreats, attending Orioles games) to any child up to 18 years of age who is being treated for cancer. Services are provided free of charge and are available on an ongoing basis throughout treatment.

High Hopes Foundation of New Hampshire, Inc.
Box 172
North Salem, NH 03073
Phone: (603) 898-5333 or (800) 639-6804

Grants wishes of chronically ill children and children with life-threatening diseases in New Hampshire.

Kids, Inc.
9300-D Old Keene Mill Road
Burke, VA 22015
(703) 455-KIDS

Grants unfulfilled wishes to gravely ill children 16 and younger anywhere in the US.

The Lisa Madonia Memorial Fund
409 Veloit
Forest Park, IL 60130
Phone: (708) 366-2057
Fax: (708) 366-2065

Charitable organization dedicated to granting wishes and providing support to 18 to 25 year olds with cancer. No geographic boundaries.

Magic Moments
c/o Children's Hospital of Alabama
1600 7th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233
Phone: (205) 939-9372
Fax: (205) 939-9189

Grants wishes to children 4 to 19 living or being treated in Alabama, who have chronic, life-threatening diseases, or who have severe trauma (burns, spinal cord, head trauma).

Make-A-Wish Foundation of America
100 W. Clarendon, Suite 2200
Phoenix, AZ 85013
Phone: (602) 279-WISH or (800) 722-WISH
Fax: (602) 279-0855

US and international chapters and affiliates. Grants wishes to children under the age of 18 with life-threatening illnesses.

Marty Lyons Foundation
333 Earle Ovington Blvd., Suite 600
PO Box 9323
Mitchell Field, NY 11553
Phone: (516) 745-8966 or (800) 232-7887

Chapters in New Jersey, New York, and Florida provide a special wish to children ages 3 to 17 who are terminally ill or have a chronic life-threatening disease.

Operation Liftoff of Ohio
PO Box 1094
Gallipolis, OH 45631

Fulfills a dream for children in Ohio and surrounding states who have a life-threatening illness.

Rotary Wishing Well, Inc.
Jim Hogue
10900 NE 8th Street #900
Bellevue, WA 98004
Phone: (206) 462-4606
Fax: (206) 454-4383

Serves Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Arkansas. Provides significant life experiences for children 4 to 19 with life-threatening or chronic diseases.

A Special Wish Foundation, Inc.
2244 S. Hamilton Road, Suite 202
Columbus, OH 43232
Phone: (615) 575-WISH or (800) 486-WISH

The Starlight Foundation
International Headquarters
12424 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1050
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: (310) 207-5558

The Starlight Foundation has chapters in the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom. Contact the international office in Los Angeles, California for further information. The foundation exists to fulfill wishes for seriously, chronically, and terminally ill children age 4 through 18 years.

Sunshine Foundation
PO Box 255
5400 County Road 547 N
Loughman, FL 33858
Phone: (813) 424-4188 or (800) 457-1976

No geographic boundaries. Grants wishes to chronically or terminally ill children, ages 3 to 21.

The Sunshine Foundation of Canada
148 Fullerton Street, Unit 1710
London, Ontario
Canada N6A 4P3
Phone: (800) 461-7935
Fax: (519) 642-1201

The Sunshine Foundation of Canada has chapters across the country. Call the national office and ask for the chapter closest to you. The foundation works to fulfill the dreams of children who are challenged by life threatening illnesses or severe physical disabilities. Dreams are granted for children between 3 and 19 years of age.

Teddi Project
c/o Camp Good Days and Special Times
1332 Pittsford-Mendon Road
Mendon, NY 14506
Phone: (716) 624-5555 or (800) 785-2135
Fax: (716) 624-5799

Priority given to children from Central Florida and the upstate New York area, especially Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, and Binghamton. Serves chronically or terminally ill children ages 7 to 17.

Wish Upon a Star
California Law Enforcement
Maureen Logan, Director
PO Box 4000
Visalia, CA 93278
Phone: (209) 733-7753

Serves children in the state of California. Nonprofit, law enforcement effort designed to grant wishes of children afflicted with high-risk and terminal illnesses.

Wish With Wings, Inc.
Pat Skaggs or Kim Clark
PO Box 3479
Arlington, TX 76007
Phone: (817) 469-9474
Fax: (817) 275-6005

Serves children living in or being treated in Texas. Grants wishes for children 3 to 16 with life-threatening diseases.

The Wishing Star Foundation
Doug Raper, Director; Sharon Johnson, Wish Coordinator
539 W. Sharp
Spokane, WA 99201
Phone: (509) 325-9803 or (800) 685-6956
Fax: (509) 325-1778

Serves Idaho, eastern Washington, and some areas of Oregon and Nevada. Grants wishes to children 3 to 19 with life-threatening diseases.

Wishing Well Foundation
Jim Reid
PO Box 717
St. Louis, MO 63188
Phone: (314) 272-6190

Grants wishes to children in the St. Louis area only who are chronically or terminally ill


The Centering Corporation
1531 N. Saddle Creek Road
Omaha, NE 68104
Phone: (402) 553-1200

Publishes a free catalog which contains an extensive listing of books, cards, and audio- and videotapes on death and grieving.

Children's Hospice International
2202 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Suite 3C
Alexandria, VA 22301
Phone: (703) 684-0330 or (800) 24-CHILD

The Compassionate Friends National Office
P.O. Box 3696
Oak Brook, IL 60522-3696
Phone: (630) 990-0010
Fax: (630) 990-0246

A self-help organization that offers understanding and friendship to bereaved families through support meetings at local chapters and telephone support (they match persons with similar losses). It publishes a newsletter for parents and one for siblings, and offers a resource catalog with a comprehensive list of books, audio, and video materials on adult and sibling grief